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Stale garbage refers to remaining non-degradable garbage that has been in landfills for long periods of time and has not broken down. It is usually composed of plastics and metals.

Qunfeng has developed an automatic waste sorting plant specially for sorting plastics and metals, allowing both to be recycled or incinerated to generate electricity, ensuring both the plastic and metal are recycled and further processed into new products.

  • This highly-automated waste sorting plant features a capacity of 100 tons/hour, meaning it can typically process an entire landfill within one year.
  • The sorting system increases landfill efficiency and land reuse.
  • This waste sorting plant features strict requirements for weather and corrosion resistance for field applications, which is why we have constructed it using galvanized steel that is adaptable to a variety of harsh weather conditions.
  • Since the waste sorting plant needs to be transferred to other landfills after sorting waste in one landfill, it is designed with a mobile chassis for convenient disassembly and transportation to the next landfill.
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